Ballet "Como Água para Chocolate"

Eu disse que ia ser mais assídua esse ano e cá estamos!
Hoje venho compartilhar a primeira transmissão no cinema de 2023. Um ballet novo, da mesma dupla criativa de Alice no País das Maravilhas e O Conto de Inverno. Christopher Wheeldon e Joby Talbot se juntaram novamente para criar Como Água para Chocolate. Inspirado no romance da escritora mexicana Laura Esquivel, a história versa sobre Tita, que se apaixona por um rapaz chamado Pedro. Quando eles decidem se casar, uma tradição familiar os impede. Por ser a irmã mais nova, Tita deveria permanecer solteira para cuidar da mãe. Com o intuito de estar o mais perto possível da amada, Pedro se casa com Rosaura, irmã mais velha de Tita. Os fortes acontecimentos da vida da jovem se refletem em seus sentimentos, que são transmitidos à todos através da comida que prepara e acaba trazendo diversas consequências.
Uma história bastante complexa e contada em três atos. Espero que gostem :)

Como Água para Chocolate
The Royal Ballet
Ano: 2022
Francesca Hayward como Tita
Marcelino Sambé como Pedro
Laura Morera como Mama Elena
Mayara Magri como Rosaura
Meaghan Grace Hinkis como Gertrudis
Matthew Ball como Dr. John Brown
Christina Arestis como Nacha
Cesar Corrales como Juan Alejandrez
Gary Avis como Don Pasqual
Isabella Gasparini como Chencha

Formato do Vídeo: .mp4

Aplicativos Úteis:
 Clique Aqui!


  1. I wa very excoted to see LIKE WATER FOR CHOCOLATE added to your list. I have been a great fan of this work from novel to film and now hopefully to Dance. Unfortunately I have not been able to download your clip as listed. I have thred several days each on three different systems (Firefox, Sadari and Opera) which apparently lodas 80% to 90% and then quits. I have meanwhile loaded from your pages others.
    Please advise. I am most anxious to see Como Água para Chocolate.
    BTW - I am must appreciative of the work you do to present so many excellent performances to us who are not otherwise able to see truly good Ballet and Dance.

    Best wishes,

    1. Hi! How are you?

      When I got your message, the first thing I did was test the file download. I tested it on other Google Drive accounts, including my mother's cell phone, and this file downloaded normally.
      However, I noticed that since last week I have also been having problems downloading files through Google Drive. A friend has given me some files, it goes up to a certain percentage, stops, and when I try to resume, the status "failed - prohibited" appears.
      Around here, I managed to solve it just by downloading it in another browser, in this case, Firefox. Only you've tried for him and you're not succeeding either. I don't think changing the link will solve it, as I realize it's being a general problem, not associated with my account.
      My suggestion is that you try a download manager. Free Download Manager has an extension for Chome. There should also be a version for Firefox. By activating the extension, it will recognize when you try to download a video and will capture the link. So you can download the video with more certainty.

      Please try this way.

      As I said, there has been a general problem with this server...


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